About Us

What happens when Jewish people discover their Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth?
What happens when Christian people discover the Jewishness of the Gospel and want to learn more?

You have all the ingredients for a New Testament Messianic Jewish congregation, just like the ones that formed across the Roman world after the day of Pentecost. You have Jews and Gentiles exploring the fulfillment of Torah in a Jewish lifestyle that acknowledges Jesus Christ.

Let me introduce such a fellowship of people to you:
We are called B’nai Chayim, which means Children of Life in Hebrew.

We want to continue to explore our commitment to a Messianic Jewish expression of the Gospel, and continue to show our support for Israel and for our local Jewish community.

It is truly a good thing to walk with the L-rd, the true King of Israel, and King of the Nations. May He bless you as you walk in the Gospel, which is the power of G-d to the salvation of everyone who believes, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile (Rom. 1:16).

To learn more about us, please download our

Mission Statement,
Vision Statement, and
Statement of Faith.

We meet at: 8801 – 163 Street NW Edmonton
(Jasper Place Baptist Church)

(780) 452-1649